Monthly Archives: January 2015

Wine Buyers, Sellers And Grape Growers, Part 2: Investment Implic

<< Read Wine Buyers, Sellers and Grape Growers, Part 1: What The Future Holds Whenever considering investing in the “drinking industry”, it is worth looking at the holdings of The Vice Fund (VICEX), now strangely renamed the “USA Mutuals Barrier Investor Fund.” VICEX limits its investments to drinking, smoking, gambling and defense on the grounds…


For the past few months, I have been maintaining a weekly column on this website showing the status and trends in oil inventories and petroleum products production in the United States.  Regrettably, the holiday festivities prevented me from providing my usual weekly update last week and this update is a few days later than I…

David Rosenberg Has A Question For His Clients

David Rosenberg, formerly of Merrill Lynch and currently of Gluskin Sheff, who famously flip-flopped from being a self-described permabear to uber-bull last summer for the one reason that has yet to manifest itself in any way, shape or form, namely declaring that wage inflation as imminent (it wasn’t, but perhaps Mr. Rosenberg was merely forecasting the trajectory of his own wages) and generally an…

Forex Forecast: Quant Vs Chart Reading

Quantitative Forecast Academic studies have shown that the most reliable way to determine future price movements from past price movements, is by use of momentum. In the Forex market, a momentum study is best applied to the four major Forex currency pairs by simply checking whether the weekly close is above or below the weekly close 13 weeks…

Japan’s 10 Tech Unicorns

The term Unicorn Club was coined by Aileen Lee in 2013 to mean software companies founded after 2003 that reached a valuation of over $1 billion as determined by public or private investments. At that time, she found 39 companies that fit the bill. If we use the same parameters for Japan, only two firms…

Living In The Land Of Worries, Part 1

    Photo Credit: Alon There is always a reason to worry, and always enough time to panic. Look over there, behind that bush: interest rates are rising. In Europe and China, deflation is threatening. The geopolitical situation is in many ways tense over Russia, and Middle East issues. Japan is a mess. Emerging markets…