Monthly Archives: July 2015

3 Things: Steel, Sentiment, & Productivity

Strength Of Steel Yesterday, I discussed the issues surrounding the Fed’s ongoing determination to hike interest rates despite evidence of a weakening economic environment. To wit: “The Federal Reserve raises interest rates to slow economic growth to keep an economy from overheating which would potentially lead to a sharp rise in inflationary pressures. Since commodities are…

Kansas City Fed Survey: Manufacturing Less Negative In July

The Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Survey business conditions indicator measures activity in the following states: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, western Missouri, and northern New Mexico Quarterly data for this indicator dates back to 1995, but monthly data is only available from 2001. Here is an excerpt from the latest report: KANSAS CITY, Mo. The…

Market Timing Is Not Appropriate For Retired Investors

Introduction Any discussion on the appropriateness of any “investment” strategy should start with a discussion on the important differences between investing versus speculating. Although these are radically different concepts, it is all too common in finance jargon to ubiquitously reference all financial activity as investing, even when speculating would be the more precise term. I…