Monthly Archives: December 2015

Money Vs. Fiat

QUESTION: Why do you do not see that money must be backed by something tangible? ANSWER: That is a barter perspective which is antiquated and no longer relevant. This proposition dictates that only gold has value and you yourself are worthless. This idea of fiat money is just out of line with reality. The traditional definition of…

A New Chance To Buy Into Match Group: IPO Quiet Period Expiration

Match Group, Incorporated (NASDAQ: MTCH) – Buy Recommendation – $14.25 PT The 25-day IPO quiet period on Match Group, Incorporated will come to an end on December 14, 2015, allowing the firm’s IPO underwriters to publish reports and recommendations on December 15. Match Group is a Dallas-based company that provides dating products worldwide across a wide…

OPEC Slams The Oil Patch – A Quick Look At The Reverberations

On Friday, December 4, 2015, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) slammed the oil patch by adjourning without an agreement to put a cap on production. This quote from a Bloomberg article probably sums up the implications best: “‘It means more OPEC oil next year,’ Jamie Webster, a Washington-based oil analyst for IHS Inc., said…

US Equity Market Risk Rises To 2-Month High

Mr. Market is becoming anxious… again. Although the US stock market (S&P 500) has recovered all of the lost ground from the recent Aug-Oct correction, several metrics in the Crash Risk Index suite of benchmarks are flashing warning signs. The overall level of danger is still modest and so it’s premature to assume the worst….

EC Three Chart

1.  Prospects for the 60/40 portfolio do not look so good.  This is something I’ve talked about in the past, but I have to wonder – given the surging popularity of the 60/40 – are we witnessing one big example of performance chasing?  Given the low interest rate environment and strong recent stock performance (leading to…

Dollar Mixed, Equities Head South, Oil Stabilizing

The US dollar is firm against the dollar-bloc currencies, and sterling, but is heavier against the euro and yen.   The 13th consecutive year-over-year decline in China’s imports helped keep the pressure on the commodity producers.Despite New Zealand reporting strong Q3 manufacturing sales (3.5% vs.-0.2% in Q2), the pendulum of market expectations have continued to swing for a rate…

We Eat Dollar Weighted Returns — VII

I intended on writing this at some point, but Dr. Wesley Gray (an acquaintance of mine, and whom I respect) beat me to the punch.  As he said in his blog post at The Wall Street Journal’s The Experts blog: WESLEY GRAY: Imagine the following theoretical investment opportunity: Investors can invest in a fund that will…