Monthly Archives: December 2015

Shanghai Gold Exchange On The Way To Record Withdrawals Of Gold B

Shanghai Gold Exchange withdrawals for the week were about 46 tonnes. That is about 1,478,516 troy ounces. Year to date withdrawals are about 2,451 tonnes, compared to 2,074 in 2013 which was the previous high for withdrawals. Koos Jansen, The Chinese Gold Market Essentials Gold bullion is moving from West to East, in increasing amounts. At these price levels…

Shanghai Gold Exchange On The Way To Record Withdrawals Of Gold B

Shanghai Gold Exchange withdrawals for the week were about 46 tonnes. That is about 1,478,516 troy ounces. Year to date withdrawals are about 2,451 tonnes, compared to 2,074 in 2013 which was the previous high for withdrawals. Koos Jansen, The Chinese Gold Market Essentials Gold bullion is moving from West to East, in increasing amounts. At these price levels…

Goodbye 2015 – You Generally Sucked

All pundits need something really good or really bad to write about. Few want to read analysis saying the porridge is just right. 2015 was not overall a good year for USA investors. Economically, the USA saw only weak growth.   In 2014, stocks, home prices, industrial production, and consumer spending annual growth was in the range…

Everything Is Coming Together For Nike Stock

Nike (NYSE:NKENike (NYSE: has a name synonymous with sport. The company has a presence in 109 countries. Throughout the years  most leading sports stars have signed lucrative deals with Nike. Therefore, the $109.6 billion (market cap) sportswear brand has been able to leverage their popularity to move more and more inventory. Keeping true to their mantra of “Just do it.”,…

The Confirmation Bias Of The Anti-Forecasters

It’s become fashionable in recent years to shun all types of forecasting about the future. This narrative usually involves the cherry picking of bad forecasts to prove the point. For instance, we often hear about how economists have never predicted recessions or how Wall Street strategists never predict bear markets.  Something like this might be…

The Natural Gas Market Play

A lot of bearishness has been priced into the natural gas market due to many factors including robust production, bulging inventories, and mild weather on average across the country. Natural gas in the futures market reached a low of $1.68 MMBtu for Henry Hub on the January contract this past week. Natural gas closed trading…