Monthly Archives: April 2018

The Truth About An Untethered Trump

The petulant adolescent in the White House – who has replaced most of the adults around him with raging sycophants and has demoted his chief of staff, John Kelly, to lapdog – lacks adequate supervision.   Before, he was merely petty and vindictive. He’d tweet nasty things about people he wanted to humiliate, like former…

Where’s Money Parked Globally This Year?

The following year-to-date graphs show, at a glance, which global indices, US sectors, commodities, currencies, bonds, as well as the FAANGs, have gained/lost the most, so far. My only comment is keep an eye on the Canadian and Aussie Dollars, as well as China, Canada and Australia, in particular, further weakness could hint of a recession in the not too-distant future.

MMT Failing Miserably In Brazil

The “we owe it to ourselves” MMT nonsense failed in Japan and Venezuela. Brazil is an excellent case to watch. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) proposes that government spending and deficits do not matter because the government can always print more money. Anyone who has studied or lived through hyperinflation knows the theory is ridiculous at…

Weekly S&P 500 #ChartStorm – April 8

Those that follow my personal account on Twitter will be familiar with my weekly S&P 500 #ChartStorm in which I pick out 10 charts on the S&P 500 to tweet. Typically I’ll pick a couple of themes and hammer them home with the charts, but sometimes it’s just a selection of charts that will add to your…