Monthly Archives: April 2018

China Retaliates: ETFs & Stocks On Radar

The re-emergence of trade war fears has sent tremors across the Wall Street. This is because China has targeted about $3 billion in American exports in retaliation against Donald Trump’s tariff on steel and aluminum import. The second-largest country has slapped a duty on 128 American food products effective Apr 2. Of these, 120 products,…


Today we have an exotic annual report to cover and lots of news after the snow has been cleared or melted here. The goods range from China to India, from Mexico to Sweden, from Qatar to Israel, from Myanmar to Japan, from Switzerland to Britain, plus lots of points in between. China At Work *Reporting…

It’s The Trump Slump—But Don’t Blame The Donald

The are few snarkier defenders of the current rotten financial status quo than Ben White of Politico’s Money Morning. So it’s not surprising that he is out this AM with the latest Trumb-o-phobe meme from Swamp Dweller’s Central. To wit, the renewed stock market swoon is purportedly all the Donald’s fault owing to his unhinged tweetstorms, protectionist trade initiatives and attacks on the casino’s sacred cow…