Monthly Archives: May 2018

‘The Snapback When It Comes Can Be Vicious’: Albert Edwards Think...

In “It’s ‘Grotesque’! Of Buybacks And Leverage“, we highlighted a recent Bloomberg interview with SocGen’s Andrew Lapthorne who is just as concerned as ever about corporate leverage and is just as unconvinced as he was last year about the relative merits of employing financial engineering in the service of myopic, executive compensation-motivated buybacks. While it’s always nice…

EC Is The Earn

The narrative about the Q1 earnings season is one of all-around strength. But you wouldn’t see evidence of this strength in the stock market’s recent performance. The major indexes haven’t done much since the start of the year and performance since this earnings season got underway has hardly budged. The chart below shows the performance…

Is The Economy Overheating?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced yesterday that the unemployment rate was down to 3.9% in April. That’s nearly as low as it’s been any time in the last half century. Does that mean the U.S. economy faces some problems ahead? Worries about the unemployment rate getting too low are usually framed in terms of the Phillips…