On Slowing Growth, A Flattening Yield Curve And Bear Market Losses

It's important to understand that yield curve inversion and bear markets typically begin 9 to 12 months before any recession is officially proclaimed in backward-looking data. Here is my partner Cory Venable's chart showing the inversion points in the past two cycles, and where we are today.

Bloomberg has a habit of posting just a 2 or 3 minute clip of full guest interviews, which often miss the meat of the matter.Komal Sri-Kumar had many relevant observations this morning in his hour long appearance. In this 3 minute clip that was posted, he discusses how the 10 and 2 year treasury yield curve is moving toward zero, and how one more Fed hike (on May 2nd?) could be enough to invert the curve.

Komal Sri-Kumar, president and founder at Sri-Kumar Global Strategies, discusses policy and recessionary warnings from the flattening yield curve.

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