EC Requiem For 2017: The Year In Charts

Here we are at the end of 2017, a year that saw Donald Trump ascend to the highest office in the land and a year that saw financial assets the world over continue to inflate on the back of trillions in liquidity.

This was also the year of the cryptocurrency and the year that left everyone asking about the “everything bubble.”

In a tribute to what was all at once a boring year (no volatility) and the most exciting year in recent memory (from a geopolitical perspective), we thought we'd bring you a visual retrospective courtesy of the following series of charts.

Enjoy. Or don't. Whatever.

U.S. stocks hit record after record after record. The Nasdaq was the standout and, ironically given the Trump mania, small-caps were the laggard:


The disconnect between policy/geopolitical uncertainty and market measures of vol. was one of the stories of the year:



Correlations collapsed…


Which helped vol. remain glued to the flatline…


There were only two days when big-cap tech, energy, and banks fell 1% during the same session…


In another testament to the low vol. regime, consider this from BofAML:

This is the great “rotation”:


Worst year for the dollar in more than a decade and the best year for the euro against the greenback since 2003:


Remember how “long USD” was the “no-brainer” trade going into 2017? Yeah, well that's how that turned out.

As for that other “no-brainer” trade headed into the year (short USTs), all you have to do is look at positioning to see how sentiment changed on that:


The U.S. reflation narrative died on the vine – or at least according to the curve, which was the story of the year in bond land:

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