The Chart of the Day belongs to MiX Telematics (MIXT). I found the software solutions stock by using Barchart to sort today's Top Stocks to Own list first for the highest Weighted Alpha, then I used the Flipchart feature to review the charts for consistent Price Appreciation. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 12/15 the stock gained 7.57%.
MiX Telematics Limited provides fleet and mobile asset management solutions. It offers vehicle tracking services for the consumer and commercial vehicle market worldwide. Mix's products and services provide enterprise fleets, small fleets and consumers with solutions for safety, efficiency and security. The Company's products includes Trailer Tracking, MiX Rovi, Beam-e, Matrix MX3, Matrix MX2, Matrix MX1, FM Tracer (FM3316i), FM Protector/MiX 3000, FM-Web, MiX Insight Analyser, Matrix internet Tracking, MiX DriveTime, MiX Mobile, MiX Track, FM Wireless Kit, FM Voice Kit and FM Sat Comms. MiX Telematics Limited is based in Midrand, South Africa.
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