Goldfield Corp Stock Is The Next Can’t Miss Stock

If you are looking for a can't miss stock, then look no further than Goldfield Corp (NYSE: GV). While you might see the dramatic decline in its share price and think this stock isn't a winner, you are wrong. This company has a lot going for it and the majority of the decline in stock price is due to investor overreaction.

In this post, I will show you why Goldfield is a stock that you are a fool if you don't invest in it now.

Who Is Goldfield Corp?

Goldfield Corp began in 1906 as a gold mining company. But today the company provides electrical construction and maintenance services for utility companies. More specifically, the company also does the following:

  • Builds substations
  • Constructs distribution systems
  • Handles fiber optic cables
  • The majority of for Goldfield comes from the southeastern United States.

    What Happened To The Stock Price

    If you look at the chart for Goldfield, you will see some wild swings as well as the fact that it is near its 52 week low. Here is what happened.

    In 2016 the company was involved in some large, high margin projects that boosted its bottom line. As a result, shareholders bought up the stock. In 2017 after these high margin projects were completed, revenues fell and investors got worried and sold off the stock.

    The bottom line is that investors didn't fully understand what was going on with the stock. As an investor, you need to know that revenues in the company are going to fluctuate greatly as projects get started and completed. It's the nature of the beast.

    Why I Like Goldfield

    So why exactly do I think Goldfield is a can't miss stock? There are many reasons. First is the fact that the stock is undervalued. Investors oversold the stock and now in this market where it is hard to find value, Goldfield is shining bright.

    Second is the future growth of the company. The company has a 2 prong strategy for growth, organic and acquisitions. When it comes to acquiring other firms, Goldfield is looking for small under the radar companies that can boost its bottom line. I am confident that they will find good buyout targets.

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