Hey, everyone! Every month, we live in a world that we pay for our expenses on a typical monthly basis. Most people budget monthly based on their food, shelter, car and other entertainment or daily needs. You know what I personally love about my bills? If something else is paying them for me! One fun way and reason to invest into dividend paying stocks is to almost view them as a way to build up an asset that pays these bills for you! What do I mean? Let's check it out.
Paying the Bills
We all have our monthly expenses that are typical. I wrote about some of my monthly bills a few months back, as a way to update where I stand on how much money goes out the door and how much of my dividend income makes up that. A way to have fun with buying a dividend stock is to see how much of that stock you can buy in that particular expense category, where the dividend stream ends up paying your bill! What are a few examples of what I am talking about? I'll break them down below: