Debt is a rock, and spending reform is a hard place. The taxpayers of today and tomorrow are saddled with crushing obligations. Yet we must watch helplessly as leadership in Washington DC continues expanding government — borrowing what they can and simply printing what they cannot.
Each day more Americans sense a reckoning is coming. Our government is increasingly insolvent. The unbacked dollar is certain to be worth less, and it may not survive at all.
The problem is dishonest money. Federal Reserve officials are free to print as many dollars as they wish, completely unaccountable for the purchasing power stolen from your savings.
Honest money in the form of physical gold is the solution. Gold coins, bars, and rounds represent value that cannot be inflated away. In the long run, no other asset offers the same track record — particularly during turbulent times. Families who save using private, portable, and enduring gold have been passing wealth from one generation to the next for literally thousands of years.
Also, during key periods in history, investments in gold did more than simply hold value; they produced real profits. We are likely living in the next of these periods now. inflation is a worldwide phenomenon forcing entire populations to look for alternatives to the paper in their wallets. As more and more turn to finite gold, its purchasing power will rise — perhaps dramatically — as people bid more aggressively for available stocks.
We've seen it before. If history is a guide, now is a particularly opportune time for wise investors to buy physical gold coins and bars — both for protection and profit. To understand why requires some background.
Gold is beautiful and rare. Our ancestors picked up the first golden nuggets thousands of years ago and found themselves delighted. Virtually everyone wanted some of their own — a fact not lost on people seeking to trade. A person with gold to offer could bargain for all manner of valuable goods. A little of the beautiful metal went a long ways in terms of buying power. Gold became money — the preferred medium of exchange when trading locally and across the world.