Silver No Fly Zone

Silver is the most managed commodity on the planet because its relationship to gold – because if its held down this will help control the price of gold. The status quo needs to have the multitudes remain complacent and distracted from their nefarious ways, because they are debasing everything, not the least of which is the currency. So a ‘no fly zone' has been declared on silver because of its importance in maintaining the status quo's illusion – the balloons, bubbles, and other inflated deception. Because of this, silver has become the most important market in the financial universe, where all other markets effectively hinge on it like never before, which is a fundamental reality status quo price managers will regret in coming years.

That's right – the whole ball of wax depends on the status quo being able to keep silver suppressed, because if the genie were to ever get out of the bottle these days, gold would be close behind, and the bloated Western colossus would implode due to our interconnected markets. It was bad enough back in 2011 when silver attempted to push through the 1980 highs at $50, only to be turned back by Western paper pricing mechanisms (see below) at the time. However these days, with debt doubled since 2008 (debt doubled, corporate, and personal), and the world drowning in deflationary forces, and is as fragile as ever. So correspondingly, silver remains the status quo ‘whipping boy' like never before, however this is set to change.

Why? Because fundamentals for silver are improving such that status quo price management mechanisms will eventually become ineffective in controlling this powder keg. Silver is a small and localized market compared to gold (which is why it was selected for its roll in the financial system because it's easy to control), where the US still controls global pricing. This is done via futures, ETF's, and the machines, where both speculator betting practices and algorithms are used to affect prices. Thing is though, when speculators become cautious on a market (buy puts and short sell), the computers can actually work against US price managers because precious metals will be squeezed higher like anything else, which as you would know from our sentiment studies, is what's happening in the shares right now. (i.e. via ETF speculator betting practices.)

All this adds up to make silver the most maligned market in the world; but again, a funny thing happens when this occurs. Prices need to catch up to fundamentals eventually. News concerning factors like negative interest rates (NIRP), printing, and now helicopter money for the people would have sent both silver (and gold) flying ten-years ago, however today, because of intensified price management from our status quo friends, silver can't make it over $16. Whenever it gets to a possible breakout at this threshold, magically, the bankers show up to keep it capped, selling as much as a year's production in a single day without an ounce of actual metal to back it up. If you're a status quo crony this is ‘ as usual' of course, because the alternative would be a vaporization of their fortunes, power, and jobs.

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