Japan Considering Exit Tax To Leave The Country


The trend on a global basis is getting really scary. Our forecasts have been computer generated and are by no means my personal opinion of what I would like to see. This is getting to be really horrible as government simply go after more and more without any consideration what happens when you have extorted everyone and there is nothing left?  Japan is now moving to become the latest country to consider taxing wealthy individuals who move abroad to take advantage of lower rates or to simply guard their freedom.

Governments look upon the people as the great unwashed. We were born to serve their special interests and have no rights even to exist. What we earn and produce belongs to government and we should be grateful that they allow us to play with some toys. Now the Japanese ruling party lawmakers are proposing an “exit tax” under which people with over ¥100 million ($857,000) in financial assets would have to pay a tax on any unrealized capital gains on those assets if they moved out of Japan.

We are economic slaves – nothing more.

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