Adtech Is Not For You

Like many, I set aside 15 minutes to read Aleph's latest blog post about the AdTech industry and what engineers should devote their time and brains into these companies. I know and respect the people at Aleph and as a person believe each is entitled to have an opinion, we don't always have to agree..

But, as a co-founder of an Israeli AdTech company, I do want to bring up 2 quick points:

I think ads do serve and change the world.

Without ads, we wouldn't have or twitter or youtube, we wouldn't have the power to search whatever we want or get same-day delivery to our house for free. Without ads we would have probably been stuck with 2 Television channels (NPR or channel 1) and a very poor online content variety. Because you see, ads are the currency of the free world. I agree many try to make a quick buck building a media company, but for the most of us, it's about giving publishers, game developers, authors and producers the ability to broadcast their content to the free world and make a living out of it. The idea that we will all consume 100% paid content is naïve and there is more than just a banner.

The article's focus is about how much would an engineer make or what his return would be working for an AdTech company. As a founder, I hope my engineering team value challenges at least as much as the money they're making. Don't get me wrong, I believe engineers should be well paid, but the best ones I met were looking for the biggest problems and challenges to solve first. When it comes to big-data, scale, delivery, efficiency and optimization – the AdTech space offers all of that – and if you want to change the experience of hundreds of millions of users, this is a good place to start.

But hey, we're not curing cancer, nor landing a rocket on the moon – but then next time you read your favorite article, throw a bird, book an hotel or making a free international call while driving – remember what is the driving force that support all of that and maybe you will find an Israeli technology making this happen.

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