Gold Should Be $16,450 & Silver $761

The super powers in the West are doing what they can to provoke Russia and indirectly China and Iran into a world war. Most people alive today were not adults when WWII started and therefore did not follow the lead up to the war. But today the whole world can watch how the West has chosen to attack a country which has no major significance geopolitically and does not threaten any other country. Still the West clearly knows that bombing of Syria can start a global conflict with potentially horrendous consequences.

There is no intelligent reporting of these events in the Western . Whatever propaganda the media is fed, they just publish it without any analysis or investigation. And the US with its allies do not wait for any independent verification of alleged use of chemical weapons. That a world war could start on such fickle reasoning is absolutely frightening.

Syria is of course only an excuse. As a country it would be of no consequence for the safety of the rest of the world if it was left alone. Most wars are started by nations which are under economic pressure domestically. The US and UK fit that picture perfectly.

With debts growing exponentially and massive and trade deficits, both these countries are on the way to bankruptcy. Added to that, their leaders are under major pressure at home. Trump has “Deep State” and impeachment pressures and Theresa May suffers from weak leadership in a minority government with an unresolved Brexit. This is the perfect background for pretending that there is a major global conflict and diverting the attention to the international scene.

It is only Russia's restraint which has so far stopped this conflict from turning into something very serious for the world. We must remember that Russia only has two military bases outside of their country whilst the US has around 1,000. Also, according to independent experts, Russia's military might is far superior to that of the US. But in the case of a nuclear war, both countries have more than enough power to destroy the world. So we must hope and pray that it won't come to that.

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