Author Archives: Darren Marchal

When Authorities “Own” The Market, The System Breaks

Central planning asset purchases aimed at propping up prices destroy the essential price discovery needed by private investors. Panicked by the possibility of declines that undermine the official narrative that all is well, authorities the world over are purchasing assets like stocks, bonds and mortgages directly. Central banks are explicitly taking on the role of buyers of…

Record Eurozone Borrowing: Public Debt Rises With Recovery; Greec

The eurozone is supposedly in a state of recovery. However, in spite of that recovery, public debt and debt-to-GDP levels are still rising. Austerity is difficult to find in any realistic sense. Please consider Eurozone Borrowing Rises to Record as Recovery Remains Weak.  The European Central Bank’s programme of quantitative easing has pushed down interest rates…

5 Speculative And Overvalued Companies To Avoid – July 2015

The market is filled with companies with a lot of hype which are touted as great investments, but Benjamin Graham taught that intelligent investors must look past the hype and avoid speculating about a company’s future. By using the ModernGraham Valuation Model, I’ve selected five of the most overvalued companies reviewed by ModernGraham. Each company has been…

Vivint Solar Hits Its Apex On SunEdison Deal

The solar industry continues to shine both domestically and globally, despite falling prices for traditional fossil fuels. Utah-based Vivint Solar, Inc. (VSLR) has grown quickly over the last few years and is now one of the largest U.S. residential solar installation companies. It has around 523 megawatts of contracted rooftop solar assets built or under development. Vivint went public…

Wasted Time-The Ongoing Greek Drama

The ongoing Greek drama – it has been downgraded from a full-blown crisis – came about when the opposition refused to support the government’s nominee for president for the third time, triggering a general election in January which was won by Syriza, at the head of a “radical coalition of the left”. They didn’t exactly…