Author Archives: Darren Marchal

Forex Forecast: Quant Vs Chart Reading

Quantitative Forecast Academic studies have shown that the most reliable way to determine future price movements from past price movements, is by use of momentum. In the Forex market, a momentum study is best applied to the four major Forex currency pairs by simply checking whether the weekly close is above or below the weekly close 13 weeks…

OPEC Member Asks For Production To Be Cut

    Conventional wisdom would say that everyone in the oil patch is taking a mighty beating right now. But some are hurting much more than others… Indeed, while oil company shares have been plummeting, the eventual consequences of this engineered collapse will come home to roost at the doorstep of the perpetrators: OPEC. The…

Euro Flirts With Fresh 9-Year Low

The Euro has not had the strongest of starts to 2015 with the currency falling from 1.2088 to the Dollar to stand at 1.1815 having been as low as 1.1763 on Thursday. There appear to be two or three reasons underlying the current weakness of the single currency. The specter of fresh Greek crisis is now center…

Hemisphere Energy Corp. Pumping Alberta’s Liquid Oil

Hemisphere Energy Corp. (HME.V) drills for liquid oil in Canada.  They are fortunate that Canada is such a friendly place for extractive enterprise. Canada remains favorably ranked in both the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (10th out of 175) and the Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom (6th out of 178).  Their CEO is a geologist, which I like to…

8 Steps To Analyzing A Company

  Taking a fundamental approach to investment is not easy. It requires quite a lot of investigative work, number crunching, and the application of careful judgment. For many young analysts the process can feel overwhelming and it’s hard to know where to start. After 10 years of doing fundamental analysis, I thought it would be…