Author Archives: Darren Marchal


Today’s blog features forecasts by our special correspondent, Fearless Fosdick, who, aided by his abilities in reading Tarot cards, stars, crystal balls, palms, and entrails, will forecast the best stocks for the coming year based on his hunches. Featured Fearless Fosdick’s fifteen forecasts for ’15 follow, or FFFFFFFF: the US dollar cannot keep it up….

Construction Spending Growth Declined In November 2014. Continued

The headlines say construction spending declined this month – the data is volatile and backward revisions distort the picture. However, the rate of growth looking at the unadjusted rolling averages has been stable. Noteworthy is a continued softness in private sector construction with some strengthening in public sector construction. The backward revision this month again…

3 Worst Global ETF Investments Of 2014

2014 was a relatively sluggish year for international markets. While the U.S. indices were setting new all-time highs seemingly year round, most international economies were reeling under global pressures. Per MSCI, the World ex USA index is down 5.9% so far this year, while countries within the European Monetary Union (EMU) have turned out to…