Author Archives: Darren Marchal


DOW – 51 = 17,801 SPX – 0.49 = 2059 NAS + 25 = 4766 10 YR YLD – .04 = 2.22% OIL + .80 = 63.85 GOLD + 27.80 = 1233.00 SILV + .73 = 17.21 We’ll start with economic news. The Labor Department reports there were 4.83 million job openings in October, up…


You’ve navigated a competitive market, steered your company to profitability, and put it on track for healthy growth and expansion. It’s now time to start thinking about an exit strategy. Sound premature? It’s not. Proper planning can help ensure both a successful business transition and an equally successful retirement for the owner.  Too often, owners get…

Beijing We’Ve Got A Problem

The Chinese stock market hit a four year high today at 3,020. This is up 53% since the middle of 2013 low and up 48% in the last six months. I guess this must mean the Chinese economy is operating on all cylinders. If you think so, you’d be wrong. Barron’s interviewed a no-nonsense woman who has…

EC Not Just Oi

It isn’t just the price of oil that is collapsing.  The last time commodity prices were this low was during the immediate aftermath of the last financial crisis.  The Bloomberg Commodity Index fell to 110.4571 on Monday – the lowest that it has been since April 2009.  Just like junk bonds, industrial commodities are a…