Author Archives: Darren Marchal

Buy The All Time High

Wall Street is only one of several financial roach motels in what has become a giant slum of a global economy. Notional “money” scuttles in for safety and nourishment, but may never get out alive. Tom Friedman of The New York Times really put one over on the soft-headed American public when he declared in a string…

Apple Is Showing Signs Of Fatigue

When does a market reach its top? The question is easy, the answer is much harder. Because practice teaches us that most investors have a tough time knowing when a market is topping out. Wall Street remains on a roll in the meantime. The US economy is still doing best globally by far and the…

EC Everyone Wa

LendingClub (LC) is one of the most anticipated public offerings of the year and is expected to price Wednesday night to trade on Thursday. They just raised the range to $12-14 from the prior $10-12. The market is acting poorly going into the planned pricing which could help keep the shares from running away from…

NFC Adoption By Apple Helps Pave The Way For Identiv

In our most recent article regarding Identiv (INVE), we introduced the company and its potential revenue streams related to the post-password-era and numerous recent data breaches.  We compared some metrics and valuation to its competitors demonstrating a confusing disparity and likely poor investor relations job.  Today, we will continue with the most recent developments for…