Author Archives: Darren Marchal

US Nonfarm Private Payrolls: November 2014 Preview

Private nonfarm payrolls in the US are projected to increase 206,000 (seasonally adjusted) in tomorrow’s November update from the Labor Department, based on The Capital Spectator’s median point forecast for several econometric estimates. The monthly prediction reflects a slight deceleration in growth vs. October’s 209,000 gain. Compared with two estimates based on recent surveys of…

Will Bitcoin Rise As ATMs Increase?

Liberty Teller, the MassChallenge startup that opened four Bitcoin ATM machines around the Boston area, has rebranded itself into LibertyX and will now allow users to purchase the digital currency around 2,500 locations in 33 states across the country. LibertyX’s founder says that it include 60 locations around Massachusetts and 9 locations around the Boston…


Since 2010, the average return for our weekly best scoring small caps has outpaced the R2K by a median 759 bps over the following year. The best performers from one year ago are HA up 132%, CNC up 65%, UEIC up 63%, and ODFL up 58%.  The best small cap sector is utilities. The top…

The Anti-Emergency Fund

No matter how well you plan, unexpected surprises can derail your budget. While it’s a good idea to have an emergency fund, if you have one, how do you decide when to dip into the fund? Is replacing a broken microwave an emergency? There are a set amount of expenses that aren’t emergencies, but they…

EC Oil Prices

The decline in oil prices—the US benchmark West Texas Intermediate as of Dec. 1 is down roughly 35% since the recent peak in June 2014 —has inspired bullish expectations for consumer spending and related investments. As the Washington Post noted earlier this week: “Tumbling oil prices are draining hundreds of billions of dollars from the coffers of oil-rich exporters…