Author Archives: Darren Marchal

The Freak Show Is In Full Effect

The December futures roll was also one for the ages.  On Nov. 20 there were 162,509 December contracts, and now we go into first day notice Friday with 11,524 standing. That is still enough to be disruptive and take all Crimex deliverable gold. Incredibly, only about 30% of these Dec. contracts rolled out to the…

“Gold Is A 6,000 Year Old Bubble” – Citi’

Citigroup may have been unable to prevent the Netherlands from repatriating some 122 tons of “a fiat commodity currency with insignificant intrinsic value“, or in the words of Ben Bernanke, “tradition”, but it sure won’t stop that erudite expert on the timing of Greece’s exit from the Eurozone, Willem Buiter, from doing all in his…

A Flawed Analysis Of What Ails The Economy

A Popular Meme, that Remains as Wrong as When it Was First Conceived A recent article in the Guardian mocks JC Juncker’s latest scheme to produce some €300 billion in “investment” with a magical money multiplication scheme. Naturally, we agree that Juncker’s plan is deeply flawed, to put it as politely as possible. We have pointed this out…

USD/JPY Forex Signal – November 27, 2014

USD/JPY Signal Update Yesterday’s signal was not triggered and expired, as the price never hit 117.03. Today’s USD/JPY Signal Risk 0.75% Trades may only be entered between 8am London time and 1pm New York time; and then after 8am Tokyo time. Long Trade 1 Go long following bullish price action on the H1 time frame immediately…

“The Stimulus Program Was A Smashing Success” – Gary Burtless...

This Burtless Brookings Blog post really is a must read. Burtless notes that taxes and transfers (including both ARRA and automatic responses to the recession) prevented huge income declines for the lower 60% of US households during the great recession. In contrast high income households were hammered. Federal policy actually worked. The post is a guided tour…