Author Archives: Darren Marchal

How To Invest In Chinese Real Estate

America is at risk of becoming the fountainhead of a new inflationary outburst. The U.S. dollar is now in decline, gold is moving sharply higher and new global currency turmoil is on the horizon. The Federal Reserve’s actions are clearly inflationary. The US is printing money as fast as it can, while destroying wealth and…

How to Care for a Check Book Control IRA

Hundreds of companies and their websites advertise the Checkbook Control IRA by many different names: Checkbook IRA, Checkbook LLC, IRA-LLC. The Checkbook Control IRA is recommended for many different applications, but once the LLC is created, what do you do next?My goal in this piece is to describe the proper care and feeding of a…

Assessing the US Treasury’s bail out plan

It had to happen. In the face of catastrophic losses, massive unemployment and an economy that is still scratching its head as to how the whole crisis unfolded, the US government has stepped into the breach in an effort to bail out the country’s banks, protect consumers, and restore investor confidence so that the economy…

UK government seeks to prevent cost claims

As part of the UK government’s latest plan to curb taxpayer-funded legal spending, companies and directors cleared of criminal charges in the UK could be barred from recovering their defence costs – potentially leaving businesses and individuals acquitted of fraud, price-fixing, corporate manslaughter and other serious offences with legal bills ranging up to several million…

Self-Directed IRA: How to recognize Disqualified Persons and Proh

Prohibited Transactions and Disqualified Persons are important topics to consider when working with a Self Directed IRA. Failing to understand Prohibited Transactions, or to find an advisor or firm that does, may lead to the disqualification of your self-directed IRA, resulting in possible taxes and penalties. This article will outline the importance of disqualified person(s),…