Author Archives: Darren Marchal

The Fed: Leaving The Sweet Spot

One thing I am fond of is creating my own indicators, and today’s chart features one of my many favorites – the Fed Sweet Spot Indicator. As the Fed is pressing on with monetary policy tightening, and as heightened volatility permeates the markets, it’s a great opportunity to revisit this indicator and what it is…

Why Facebook Is Bad News For U.S. Stocks

Ask five people you see today what “Cambridge Analytica” means to them, and I bet you’ll get four blank stares. Maybe one paranoid person (who’s ranted to you about the Deep State) will know that it’s a British firm that supposedly exploited data on 50 million Americans to influence the 2016 election.  The other four?…


There are multiple signs and reasons suggesting that the Trump administration will soon reach a comprehensive trade deal with China, resulting in a market rally. Specifically, President Trump has always been a deal maker, and many of his actions as president, from his decision to block DACA in order to reach an immigration deal to…