
All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter

We’re all familiar with the line, “All that glitters is not gold.” But J.R.R. Tolkien in his trilogy, Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring) put it a different way. He wrote that “All that is gold does not glitter.” The last few years have proven Tolkien to be right. Gold has seen…

China Devalues Yuan – Why?

    China devalued the Yuan in what many think was a surprise move. What they do not understand is that this move is more than trying to firm up exports; this devaluation has a similar impact to raising interest rates to stem speculation. Foreign capital just lost 2%. I have stated before, the Bank of…

How AlphaNorth’s Steve Palmer Copes With The Commodity Blue

TM editors’ note: This article discusses a penny stock and/or microcap. Such stocks are easily manipulated; do your own careful due diligence. Steve Palmer’s AlphaNorth funds have a history of making high returns from investments in Canadian commodity juniors, including gold and energy plays. With regard to the current commodity markets, however, Palmer pulls no…

Stop Financializing The Human Experience

In this financialized hall of mirrors, narcissism replaces identity and the authentic self is rendered incoherent. Correspondent Dani A.M. (of Removing the Shackles) was kind enough to identify three bits of advice from my recent conversation with Max Keiser on Summer Solutions (25:45): (9:20 min: “We’ve been brainwashed into financializing the human experience.”) 1. Stop financializing the human experience…

4 Hot Med-Instrument Stocks To Buy

Investors interested in the Medical Devices industry generally keep themselves busy analyzing existing trends – like longer life expectancies, mergers and acquisitions, emerging market opportunities, increased regulatory scrutiny and health care reforms. However, here are some of the emerging trends that one should also take into account, as these might eventually transform the prospects of…