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While many investment-related articles focus on listed equities, the market with greater profit potential is most definitely private equity (PE). And you don’t need a billionaire next door to get you in. You just need to do your homework and think strategically. In fact, there are tens of thousands of private equity opportunities in the United States…

Germany Isolated As Greece Near €86 Billion Deal With Creditors; ...

In reaching a deal with Greece, Germany is the last remaining holdout. Even Greece-skeptic countries like Finland have shifted 180 degrees to become true believers in mathematical nonsense.  And after bitter fighting and infighting, Greece nears €86bn Accord with Creditors.  Significant concessions by Alexis Tsipras and his negotiators in the past month have encouraged other hawkish…


Since 2010, the top scoring stocks in our ADR report each week have outpaced the SPX by a median 402 bps in the following year. Since 2010, the top scoring stocks in our ADR report each week have outpaced the SPX by a median 402 bps in the following year.  The average score across our ADR…

Rankings Take A Defensive Turn As Bulls Lack A Suitable Catalyst

As a rather uninspiring earnings season starts to wind down, bullish investors eager for a significant catalyst from company reports instead have been left a bit flat-footed and disheartened. With consumer sentiment and retail sales flagging in key overseas markets like Europe and China, global capital continues to flow into the safety of U.S. Treasuries,…

Thoughts From The Frontline: Closing The Sausage Factory

“Bureaucracy destroys initiative. There is little that bureaucrats hate more than innovation, especially innovation that produces better results than the old routines. Improvements always make those at the top of the heap look inept. Who enjoys appearing inept?”   – Frank Herbert, Heretics of Dune “Economies naturally grow. People innovate as they go through life. They…

Bull Of The Day: WisdomTree Investments

If you are looking to make a concentrated bet on the growth of the ETF industry, there is pretty much one option at your disposal, WisdomTree Investments ( (WETF – Snapshot Report). Fortunately for investors though, this is a great looking stock with an exceptionally well-positioned product mix that could benefit from current trends in the marketplace….

Bull Of The Day: WisdomTree Investments

If you are looking to make a concentrated bet on the growth of the ETF industry, there is pretty much one option at your disposal, WisdomTree Investments ( (WETF – Snapshot Report). Fortunately for investors though, this is a great looking stock with an exceptionally well-positioned product mix that could benefit from current trends in the marketplace….

10 Companies Benjamin Graham Would Invest In Today – August 2015...

Out of the multitude of companies, which ones would legendary value investor Benjamin Graham buy today?  I’ve compiled ten great companies that fit the ModernGraham criteria, based on Benjamin Graham’s methods. The companies in this list pass the rigorous requirements of either the Defensive Investor or the Enterprising Investor and are undervalued by the market. To find more…