
Insider Trading Report Edition 267: Notable Buys And Sales

Insider buying declined last week with insiders buying $174.82 million of stock compared to $182.33 million in the week prior. Selling on the other hand more than quadrupled with insiders selling $2.08 billion of stock last week compared to $472.75 million in the week prior. Sell/Buy Ratio: The insider Sell/Buy ratio is calculated by dividing the total insider sales in…

Option Premiums Are Made Of Only These Two Things

When trading options, it’s important to understand two definitions:intrinsic value and extrinsic value. It could mean the difference between making money and losing money. Intrinsic Value Everybody knows what intrinsic means in regular everyday life: real, innate, inherent, of within. In options, the concept is the same. The definition of intrinsic value as it pertains to…

Magic Formula Weekly Roundup 8/2/2015

  Magic Formula Investing (MFI), as described by hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt in The Little Book that Beats the Market, consists of ranking stocks by earnings yield (cheap) and return on capital (quality), adding the rankings together, and buying from the resulting lists. Below are stocks that have moved into, and dropped out of, 3 of the MFI screens…

Gold On Sale, Says The Rational Investor

The leveraged gold futures derivatives market is knocking down the precious metal, yet in massive contrast, this drop has ignited a shopping frenzy according to gold coin dealers. I spoke with several friends and industry experts this week who confirmed the record sales numbers for the month. In fact, American Gold Eagle sales reached 161,500…

Penny Stocks Analysts Love

TM Editors’ Note: This article discusses a penny stock and/or microcap. Such stocks are easily manipulated; do your own careful due diligence. I’m here to help you guys out. There’s no simple “get rich quick” scheme. Your fantasies about finding a penny stock that you can throw $100 at and turn into a million bucks…