
T2108 Update – Bearish Signs Accumulate Just Above Oversold Condi...

T2108 Status: 28.0%T2107 Status: 34.8% (a 9-month low!)VIX Status: 13.7 (8.7% gain)General (Short-term) Trading Call: NeutralActive T2108 periods: Day #190 over 20% (overperiod), Day #1 under 30%, Day #5 under 40%, Day #45 under 50%, Day #62 under 60%, Day #261 under 70% Reference Charts (click for view of last 6 months from 500 or SPYSDS (ProShares UltraShort…

Bond Market Upheaval Is Upon Us

Since the beginning of 2009, the U.S. 10-year yield has averaged around 2.6%. Consequently, most investors feel that interest rates have nowhere to go but up. However, from 1930 to 1955, the U.S. 10-year yield also averaged 2.6%. That’s 25 years! There was even a double-digit annual inflation rate after World War II, yet rates stayed low….

When Authorities “Own” The Market, The System Breaks

Central planning asset purchases aimed at propping up prices destroy the essential price discovery needed by private investors. Panicked by the possibility of declines that undermine the official narrative that all is well, authorities the world over are purchasing assets like stocks, bonds and mortgages directly. Central banks are explicitly taking on the role of buyers of…

Record Eurozone Borrowing: Public Debt Rises With Recovery; Greec

The eurozone is supposedly in a state of recovery. However, in spite of that recovery, public debt and debt-to-GDP levels are still rising. Austerity is difficult to find in any realistic sense. Please consider Eurozone Borrowing Rises to Record as Recovery Remains Weak.  The European Central Bank’s programme of quantitative easing has pushed down interest rates…

5 Speculative And Overvalued Companies To Avoid – July 2015

The market is filled with companies with a lot of hype which are touted as great investments, but Benjamin Graham taught that intelligent investors must look past the hype and avoid speculating about a company’s future. By using the ModernGraham Valuation Model, I’ve selected five of the most overvalued companies reviewed by ModernGraham. Each company has been…