
WTI Oil Volatility And Options

WTI oil is the world’s most actively traded commodity and its price is highly volatile. Volatility is the amount a price fluctuates with no regard for direction. For example, if oil volatility is 10% and the current oil price is $50 per barrel, it means within the next year traders expect oil price to change…

5 Undervalued Companies For The Defensive Investor Near 52 Week L

There are a number of great companies in the market today. By using the ModernGraham Valuation Model, I’ve selected the five undervalued companies reviewed by ModernGraham trading closest to their 52 week low. Each of these companies has been determined to be suitable for the Defensive Investor according to the ModernGraham approach. Defensive Investors are defined as…

Japan: Still A Problem With No Solution

There’s a village in Japan where the dead outnumber the living, and I don’t mean the ancestors in the cemetery. The bodies are dispersed around the small town of Nagoro. It’s a small community of some 35 people, most in their 60s or older. The place is so sparsely populated that the locals consider their 150-plus…

Yuan “Float” Turns 10 Years Old

On July 21, 2005, China surprised the world by abandoning its peg to the dollar that had been in place since 1995. It immediately appreciated by 2% and gradually appreciate until the financial crisis hit in 2008. It then looked to have been “re-pegged until late 2010, when it began appreciating again.   Since that fateful 2005…