
Tilting At Golden Windmills

There is a writer we’ll call Don Quixote who is tilting at something that no longer really exists… the evil gold promoters that used to be taken seriously by innocents to the tune of near total destruction of their portfolios. Don once went on about the gold cult and I even highlighted his post because…

EC Is Japan Zi

Is Japan Zimbabwe? How preposterous: Japan is an advanced economy that cannot possibly suffer the same fate as Zimbabwe. Right? Or could Japan get hyperinflation? Below I explain why Japan, and with it investors’ portfolios, might be at risk. The other day, when I was on a panel discussing unsustainable deficits in the U.S., Eurozone…

Great Graphic: US And European Stocks

This Great Graphic shows two time series. The white line is the S&P 500 and the yellow line is the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 (tracks European stocks). Using Bloomberg analytics, we indexed the two time series from the start of 2014. In the 14 months covered here, the S&P has risen by a little more 15.0% and the…

Breadth Still Healthy

There really isn’t anything significant happening in market internals lately. From all appearances the market wants to go higher, but probably needs to consolidate a bit before another rally. If the market dips keep an eye on breadth to see if anything changes from bullish to bearish for early warning of a significant decline. Here’s…