
A Top In The Price Of Cocoa

On March 8th, I finally took profits and sold the rest of my holdings in iPath Bloomberg Cocoa SubTR ETN (NIB). In the past week, NIB came back down to my price and the ETN closed below my selling price to finish the week. I now think the price of cocoa, and thus NIB, has…


In recent quarters we have exposed the hyperbole of doom and gloom evidence, while expecting a first quarter 2018 double digit stock market correction. We have shown that the stock market margin debt ratio is normal, credit card and mortgage default rates are great, credit spreads, junk bonds, yield curves and inflation risks are calm….

Stocks And The ‘Restriking Of The Fed Put’

Two weeks back, after explaining what the “hierarchy of vulnerability” for markets will likely be going forward in the event the proximate cause of market turmoil continues to be geopolitical in nature (e.g. trade war jitters), Deutsche Bank’s Aleksandar Kocic outlined how the Powell Fed is attempting to reassert policymaker control over the normalization process….