
HH The Yuan-Oil Future And Gold

“There can be little doubt that the introduction of the yuan-denominated oil future has been a major strategic step for China” Trading in the new Shanghai oil future commenced last Monday, and on the first three days trading there were 151,804 contracts traded with a turnover value of 65bn yuan. It is the first futures…


I am amazed at all the punditry happening this month as the stock market does exactly what the stock market should do. That is, make as many people as uncomfortable as possible. That means all rules still apply. Sure, maybe some of them must adapt to a world full of derivatives and a zillion ways…

Tesla’s Worst Month

March was Tesla’s (TSLA) worst-performing month since its IPO in June 2010, as shown on the following monthly chart. The March candle closed just above a medium-term 50% Fibonacci retracement level and below a long-term -50% Andrew’s Pitchfork channel line. We may see price decline further to the bottom of the pitchfork where it converges with the 60% Fib level at 236.00. Inasmuch as the momentum…

And They Are Still Hoarding Silver

This year, up to now, JP Morgan has hoarded as many as 20.4 million ounces of silver in its COMEX warehouse:   source: Simple Digressions Interestingly, the JPM warehouse has been reporting higher silver stocks since 2015 (no matter at what price the silver was trading). If they continue hoarding silver at the same pace as in…

Stocks: The Short-Term Trend

I think we have a new short-term uptrend, although it seems fairly weak.  The SPX equal-weight closed above the 5-day, and the number of new 52-week lows dropped way down into the harmless range.  It is a qualified uptrend, though, because it is probably within a sideways range meaning that the uptrend will soon find…