

The stock market has had a bumpy ride lately and volatility is elevated. That means juicy option premiums for traders willing to bet that the market will rebound within the next few weeks. On Friday, VIX spike to 25.65, having been as low as 15.34 just a few days earlier. Traders, who believe the decline…

Leverage And Derivative Investment Vehicles

When it comes to investing there are many options. For the investor looking to participate in the stock market one can obviously buy individual stocks. Over the years mutual funds became the investment of choice and still dominate in retirement accounts employers provide. Then came ETFs (Exchange Trading Funds) which are very popular for those…

Win If The Stock Market Goes Up Or Down

Right now the stock market is on a 16 month upswing and the question I receive all the time is “should I sell or buy in this kind of a market?”  My answer is simple…………..Who knows!  How many times have experts predicted the market would crash and it skyrocketed?  Or that it would skyrocket and…

More Thoughts On Trade

Neil Irwin had an interesting piece arguing that Trump is fighting the last battle on trade in worrying about imports of steel and aluminum. His main point, that the millions of jobs we lost in manufacturing to trade in the last decade are not coming back, is largely correct. But there are a few points worth adding….

Driverless Cars And Bodiless Brains

The death of a pedestrian during a test drive of an Uber driverless vehicle (even as a backup human sat in the driver’s seat) calls into question not just the technology—which didn’t seem to detect the pedestrian crossing a busy roadway and therefore didn’t brake or swerve—but also the notion that driving is nothing more…