
Division in the ranks at the G20

Italian prime minister Mario Monti suggested using the European Financial Stability Facility’s (EFSF) €440bn rescue subsidy to buy open market peripheral bonds in an attempt to counteract the rising cost of government bond yields in Spain. “The idea is to stabilise borrowing costs, especially for countries who are complying with their reform agendas, and this…

G20 aims to fix eurozone

The group will continue discussions to focus on breaking the link between banks and sovereigns, and tackle other problems like employment growth in the region. The lack of progress being made is said to have frustrated some: “We are waiting for Europe to tell us what it’s going to do,” said World Bank chief Robert…

How to Create an Automatic Savings Plan

An automatic savings plan is your answer to planning for retirement. It is an opportunity for you to simply put money aside for your use during retirement without even thinking about doing it. If you are the type of person who could burn through $100 within minutes of having the cash in your hands, you…

How to Collect Coins as an Investment

Coin collection is of the oldest hobbies around. If done right, it can also be one of the smartest investments you can make. While buying gold and silver to hedge against economic meltdown is currently in vogue, precious metal coins are an essential part of a well-diversified portfolio. If you’re looking to expand your coin…

Banks given cheap credit

“Uncertain,” “Paralysing,” and “Pessimistic.” Those were the words Sir Mervyn King used to describe the effects the eurozone crisis has had on the UK economy at his annual Mansion House speech on Thursday evening. The Bank of England Governor was joined by UK Chancellor George Osborne as he addressed an assembly of the city’s most…

Spanish misery compounds eurozone

The country’s credit rating now teeters barely above junk status, amid growing fears it will sink still further after being shut out of international markets. The borrowing interest rates currently stand at the highest they’ve been since the euro’s inception, with the yield on Spain’s 10-year bonds shooting up to 6.86 percent. Last weekend, eurozone…

Hedge assets to gain $1trn each year for next five

The predictions come as the trade evolves beyond its entrepreneurial, private roots to meet investor and regulator demands for greater transparency and more robust operations. A recent Citigroup survey predicted that hedge funds could lure $2trn in new money to investment vehicles long associated with mutual-fund companies and other institutional managers including “long-only” funds that…