
Energy investors back CESP

In July 2006, Companhia Energética de São Paulo (CESP) joined BM&FBovespa´s Corporate Governance Level One, which consists of a set of rules governing the relationship between the controlling shareholder, the board of directors, the executive board, the other company shareholders, and especially the capital markets. The adherence to BM&FBovespa’s Corporate Governance Levels better advertises the…

World Bank: Peru will record 9% growth in 2011

Peruvians are very proud of one important fact: the country is growing and World Bank figures prove it. 2011 will be remembered as the year the Peruvian economy grew nine percent, an incredible rate representing the highest individual economic growth in Latin America and indeed the world. Peru’s economic success is based in no small…

Looking after your future

Porvenir is a leading provider of pension and severance pay fund management services in Colombia, South America’s second most populous country after Brazil. The company has 33 offices and 10 service modules located in Colombia’s largest cities, as well as a strong nationwide sales force that rivals most of its competitors. Additionally, as part of…

Pirelli returns to F1

In 1872, a young Italian engineer called Giovanni Battista Pirelli established Pirelli & C. in Milan and opened a plant manufacturing rubber articles. A century and a half later, Pirelli is now the world’s fifth largest tyre company in terms of sales, and a leader in high-end and high-tech development. Pirelli now has 20 plants…

Rethinking sustainability

It is a pity that the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, which is also one of the most useful to mankind, is so difficult to render into a useable form. The chemical properties of aluminium make it appear only in combination with other elements, forming compounds such as aluminium sulphate and aluminium oxide….

IPO for US broker

Achieving this success has been no small feat. The company’s progress over the last few years is a direct result of FXCM’s dedication to offering the most innovative trading platforms combined with a business model that works in the interests of both the broker and the customer. An integral part of FXCM’s success, according to…

Banking group optimises on diversification

When CBZ Holdings Limited became operational in June 2005, a period of intense growth through diversification began. This diversification propelled the establishment of CBZ Holdings (CBZH) as an entity poised to provide all client segments through various subsidiaries whose activities include banking, home loans, asset management, long term insurance, short term insurance, securities and properties….

‘Ratio between quality and price’

Mercator started 61 years ago as a Slovenian FMCG retailer. Today Mercator Group operates in seven markets in southeast Europe and has a long tradition in its core business – retail and wholesale of fast-moving consumer goods, as well as apparel, sportswear, hardware and electronics. It operates everything from large hypermarkets of more than 10,000sq…

Syria charts new economic terrain

Tucked away along the eastern Mediterranean coastline, nestled at the crossroads of three continents, Syria has steadily covered ground on its ambitious development journey. Over the last decade or so, economic reforms have begun to pay dividends and the country has demonstrated that it can nurture natural growth, relying less on its dwindling oil revenues…