
How To Keep Your Home Safe In The Colder Months

Despite record-high temperatures this summer, home heating issues have remained a hazard throughout the United States. In June 2012, a handful of heater-sparked fires resulted in devastating damages for families in Georgia, North Carolina and New York. Safety and health organizations are stressing extra heating safety for this unusually dry season. Scott Conner, Senior Vice President…

UK prepared to close its doors to Greece

Addressing his MPs at the House of Commons liaison committee yesterday, Cameron said he’d “do whatever it takes to protect the United Kingdom from a Greek influx,” should the nation leave the eurozone. His comments have surprised a number of Tories backbenchers, as by law, nationals of the 27 countries in the EU usually have…

How to Find the Right Investment Property

You’ve undoubetdely heard Warren Buffet tout the benefits of investing in real estate right now; however, you are wondering, how do I find the right investment property?I hear it all the time, from clients looking to buy their first investment property — “I want to buy this specific home, because the “books” say it’s a…

Barclays rigging scandal shakes banks

Shares at Barclays closed down 15.53 percent and other big players in the sector also took a hit, as analysts fear the effects of the interest rates scandal could be very serious for the UK financial markets. RBS closed down 11.45 percent, Lloyds fell 3.9 percent and HSBC closed 2.58 percent lower than on Wednesday….

Barclays admits rigging interest rates

Barclays has been told to pay up after it was discovered they had been influencing the Libor and the Euribor as far back as 2005, which may have led to customers being charged too much for credit card and mortgage loans. The bank’s chief executive Bob Diamond has faced calls to resign over the transgressions…

Triple blow to eurozone hopes

Three new developments have put huge pressure on EU governments to come to a unanimous decision at the two-day debt summit on Thursday and Friday. Cyprus became the fifth eurozone country to ask for a bailout to help its banks yesterday, after announcing it has only four days to find €1.8bn to protect its second-largest…

US economy all wound up

The plan was announced after the Fed decided it would not use further quantitative easing to counteract slow market growth, but instead make it easier for households and businesses to cut their long-term costs of borrowing. Operation Twist involves the selling of short-term bonds for long-term ones, and is bought in to try and depress…