China: Major Devaluation Coming

The whole “market economy” thing is turning out to be a little trickier than China’s dictators expected. To set up the story: After the 2008 crash the country borrowed about $15 trillion (an amount that dwarfs the US Fed’s quantitative easing programs) and spent the proceeds on history’s biggest infrastructure program.   This pushed up…

China’s Market & US Economy Not Correlated

“Davidson” submits: Bloomberg has a good article on recent volatility of Chinese markets which is a good read at this point in the global economic/investment cycle. China as part of the emerging market asset class (EEM) peaked in early 2011 and then had a recent spike which represented highly speculative anticipation by Chinese investors of’…

Commodities Beat-Down Continues

The recent commodities sell-off has been breathtaking. This is especially true since the most-recent downturn occurred from a level where the expected future returns from commodity index investment were reasonably good – and, as a spread above expected equity or bond returns, probably around the best levels ever. But investors have a strong tendency to…

When Will We Ever Learn?

Life is full of irony. When I was in school, I hated history. It was boring. It was pointless. How was reading about a bunch of dead people ever going to be useful in life? Today, I consume everything I can find on history. Particularly, financial history. Ironic. Of course, it only took me 25…

Bull Of The Day: Euronav

Euronav NV (EURN – Snapshot Report) is a crude tanker pure play, and is the third largest public operator of Suezmax and VLCC vessels. Currently, OPEC is producing high levels of crude, and is expected to continue this pattern over the foreseeable future. Euronav is extremely well positioned in the crude tanker market to take advantage of these…