Who’s Right – Commodities Or Fed?

I have been suggesting for quite some time that the Federal Reserve is stuck in a “liquidity trap” which makes it very difficult for monetary policy to be effective. More importantly, beginning in January of this year, I have suggested that the Fed is being forced to choose between the “lesser of two evils,” to wit: “The real concern…

And Now We Begin

I realized that our mentally-challenged, differently-abled bullish friends will refuse to accept it for a long, long time, but their welfare-sponsored bull-run ended last December. The breakdown has been subtle since then, and the Silicon Valley stocks that are keeping my house valued at preposterous levels just keep shooting higher (GOOGL, etc.) But the cold…

Proper Seasonal Gold Chart

In an excellent (and free!) daily email I receive, the Daily Shot, I ran across a chart that touched off my quant BS alert. This chart is from here, and is obviously a few years out-of-date, but that isn’t the problem. The problem is that the chart suggests that gold prices rise 5.5% every year. If you…

Invest In Only The Best ETFs

Photo Credit: thinkpanama (Flickr) Finding the best ETFs is an increasingly difficult task in a world with so many to choose from. How can you pick with so many choices available? Don’t Trust ETF Labels There are at least 44 different Financials ETFs and at least 192 ETFs across all sectors. Do investors need 19+…


Morgan Stanley Better-Than-Expected Results Morgan Stanley (MS) reported its second-quarter earnings while shares climbed in the market. Figures were well above analyst´s estimates, led by an increase in the fee for trading and brokerage services. Net revenues reached $9.74 billion beating expectations of $9.1 billion and posted earnings of $1.81 billion or $0.85 per share, or…

Currencies Depend On Faith, Gold Doesn’t

In his July 17th Blog, Let’s Get Real About Gold, author and Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Zweig likened investor interest in gold with the “Pet Rock” craze of the 1970’s, when consumers became convinced that a rock in a box would provide continuous companionship, elevate their social standing, and give them something hip to talk…