Thinning Market Trying To Recover

Over the past week most of my core market health indicators improved. However, none of them moved enough to change the core portfolio allocations. This is a little discouraging given the fact that the S&P 500 Index (SPX) has rallied sharply. The overall picture I’m seeing is a thinning market that is trying to recover….

3 awesome startups that failed

First-mover advantages are overrated. Look at Microsoft. Bill Gates was prescient, and they were onto the cloud, internet of things, and smartwatches since the early-2000s. But Gates’ prophetic touch did not translate to groundbreaking success in those areas Instead, Google dominates the cloud, the internet of things is still nascent, and Apple is the frontrunner…

Teens are downloading Jott like crazy

If you haven’t heard of Jott, go ask a teenager. A white-hot new app for instant messaging, Jott has nearly 500,000 monthly users and one million app installs after just three months on the market. You might think there’s no need for yet another messaging app. But, Jared Allgood, CEO and co-founder of Jott, said…