The Entrepreneur-Turned-Investor Blueprint For Investing Success

While there are shared commonalities between investing in startups and investing in stocks, there are certain nuances that can make the difference between generating market-beating returns or suffering disappointing losses. Photo Credit: Shutterstock, Architectural design and project blueprints drawings Most investors ‘come of age’ learning the mechanics and strategy of investing through their involvement in…

ECB Says Much About Doing Nothing

The ECB has not announced any new initiative.  It stands ready to do more next year, but there was no specific mention of sovereign bond purchases.  There was no tweaking of the second TLTRO which will launched next week.   The staff did cut the forecasts for growth and inflation, but Draghi acknowledged that the…

US Nonfarm Private Payrolls: November 2014 Preview

Private nonfarm payrolls in the US are projected to increase 206,000 (seasonally adjusted) in tomorrow’s November update from the Labor Department, based on The Capital Spectator’s median point forecast for several econometric estimates. The monthly prediction reflects a slight deceleration in growth vs. October’s 209,000 gain. Compared with two estimates based on recent surveys of…

Will Bitcoin Rise As ATMs Increase?

Liberty Teller, the MassChallenge startup that opened four Bitcoin ATM machines around the Boston area, has rebranded itself into LibertyX and will now allow users to purchase the digital currency around 2,500 locations in 33 states across the country. LibertyX’s founder says that it include 60 locations around Massachusetts and 9 locations around the Boston…