Thankful For Inflation? Turkey Day Dinner Is Up 6,000% Since 1909

While not hyperinflating, the slow and insidious diminishment of the fiat US Dollar’s purchasing power(and thus the living standards of lower- and middle-class Americans – who are not balls deep invested in the US stock ‘market’) is nowhere more evident than in the soaring costs of Thanksgiving Day dinner during the Fed’s 100 year reign… In 1909… Thanksgiving…

The Race To 0%: Plunging Yields Across The Globe

We are seeing history in the making in the bond market today, with an all-time low in 10-year yields in each of the following countries: Germany: 0.70% France: 0.98% Italy: 2.03% Spain: 1.86% Netherlands: 0.81% Portugal: 2.80% Switzerland: 0.31% Japan 0.41% Source: Bloomberg What do each of these countries have in common? Slow to negative…

Gold Vs. Oil

First let’s preface by stating that I have a dislike for gold sector pom pom wavers as evidenced by this post at Biiwii: Huey, Dewey & Louie. Second, let’s ask what kind of sense it makes to hammer gold mining operations because oil is going down.  Gold is exploding higher in relation to the thing that…

Dramatic Increase In Gold Flows Into China

For over two thousand years, China practiced what came to be known as the “tributary system,” reflecting the view that it alone was the center of the civilized world. All who wished to do business with the Chinese were considered tributary states. Rulers and travelers from other lands had to follow certain procedures, including gift…

Will The ECB Buy Gold

Mario Draghi made himself very clear: he is going to do everything in his power to fight off deflation. Many analysts believe that gold will play a role in this fight. We can hear you think “yeah right, the ECB buying gold…”, but the title of this article did not fall from the sky; it is…