How To Buy Real Estate And Build Your Home In Nicaragua

Buying real estate and building in Nicaragua can be intimidating for first-timers. Beyond the many unknowns, a potential language barrier can make things seem nearly impossible. Fortunately, many pathfinders have successfully navigated the process, proving that it can be done without even needing to be in Nicaragua.Proper planning is vital when buying real estate and…

How to Build a Billboard the Correct Way

There is a right way and a wrong way to build a billboard. The cost of not building a billboard the right way can be crushing, ranging from $10,000 to move the sign to total loss of your investment if property damage leads to expensive litigation.Find proper placement The first step in building a billboard…

RSS Feed

Get World Finance stories delivered directly to your desktop Want the latest news and features delivered directly to you, instead of clicking endlessly from site to site? With RSS you will save time, stay informed and never miss an important piece of news or information. What Do I Need to Do? 1. Download and install…

How To Get Your Landlord’s Cooperation When Selling A Business

While property owners can, and do interfere with tenants wanting to sell their small businesses, there are some key steps that a company owner can take to overcome landlord problems.Sooner is better than laterBusiness sellers often believe tell their brokers that they would rather wait to discuss the business’ lease assignment with the landlord, believing is not necessary…

How to Evaluate and Manage Risk in Nicaragua’s Political Environm...

Nicaragua has tremendous upside potential in beachfront real estate, but there is also the risk of losses due to adverse political conditions. Some of the favorable aspects of Nicaragua include virgin Caribbean beachfront, splendid colonial architecture, gorgeous and varied landscapes, vast tracks of fertile farmland and some of the most under-priced property in Central America….

A long a painful journey

Just how bad is the global economic outlook? The lack of a consensus answer to that question is telling. Normally, the financial institutions that steer the world economy show a degree of agreement. But these are uncertain times. The International Monetary Fund said recently that the credit crunch had cost financial firms a stunning $945bn;…