6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages

Are you looking for easy tools/apps to create custom tabs for your Facebook Business pages? Are you wondering how to link your YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Blog, Feedback Forms, Contests, Competitions and much more to your Facebook Pages? Here are 6 kickass tools/apps to create amazing custom tabs for Facebook Business Pages in few minutes.

With Facebook tabs, brands can create customised fan pages with that way you can give it your brands own personal stamp to the page. Facebook tabs allow you to add all sorts of additional functionality to your pages by giving your fans a great experience when they visit your pages. A great experience is what gets a fan attached and engaged with the , and with them sharing about it leads to increased exposure and a chance to interact with more potential customers.

6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages image facebook custom tabs

The most common problem faced by administrator of brand pages is they don't know the technical know-how of creating tabs by themselves. The great news is that there is an easier solution to create these tabs, with the use of tools available; brands can easily create their tabs and have an additional functionality to their pages.

1. Woobox

The latest on the app scene, their product apps are social savvy. Available in both free and paid subscription mode, it has custom tabs such as Polls, Pinterest, Deals and even Instagram that can be embedded onto your Page, once you have signed up with them. It helps boost your overall Facebook activity with current and new fans. Woobox is a solid way to keep your social audience excited and interested in your brand. While updates about your latest blog post are necessary and generate interest and sharing product photos are key for visual marketing, coupons and rewards are what tends to go viral among your fan base and gets your fans motivated. Woobox gives you the chance to get in the game and get a little competitive in the industry.

6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages image woobox facebook tabs

Some of the features of Woobox include:

  • Grant access to other social networks
  • Integrate Facebook marketing with other social networks, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram
  • User friendly experience for all skill levels
  • Customize certain app features
  • Enable Fangate, Friendgate and/or formgate
  • View analytics and success
  • Enable open Graph sharing abilities

2. Binkd

The reason why contests work is because they not only help grow fans on a page, but it helps to grow email leads too. Binkd comes with an email capture form that would need to be completed before fans can participate. You pay only for the time when you run a contest and it's live, not from when you set it up or from when you pay. Thus with this it leads to a larger pool of customers for your brands. Contest increases engagement as well as excitement for customers. Thus a Happy customer will be your paying customer in the future.

6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages image binkd facebook custom tabs

Some of the features of Binkd include:

  • Moderate enteries
  • Fan-Gating
  • Mobile Compatible
  • Completely customizable
  • Unlimited entrants and fan base
  • Customize header banner
  • Analytics
  • Customize entry form

3. TabSite

TabSite is an application that allows users to create custom welcome pages and tabs with deep levels of content right within Facebook. You don't need coding experience to create and customize your pages; TabSite provides you access to a simple content editor to add content, images, coupons, links, and more.

6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages image tabsite facebook custom tab

Some of the features provided by TabSite include:

  • Custom-named tabs
  • Custom tab icons
  • Sub-pages (a mini-website within Facebook)
  • “Drag-and-build” page interface
  • Facebook comments plug-in
  • Document manager
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Create fan-only content
  • Video embedding

4. ShortStack

With this tool you get a variety of templates to choose from. If you want a quick simple process to create your tab from scratch or help in designing it, you can use JavaScript, HTML or unlimited design. On shortStack they do not limit the amount of Facebook pages you can install on your app. With their offerings of Voting, video, essay and photo contest they are quick and easy to set up on your customised tabs. With a variety of different widgets that help in functionality and conversion for your tabs, like forms for your newsletter sign up, contact forms, entry and custom forms, a tool box widget which has polls, widgets and virtual gifts! Integration widget for twitter, RSS feeds, Flickr, Google maps etc.

6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages image shortstack facebook custom tab

ShortStack features include:

  • Sweepstakes
  • Fan-only content
  • Full design control
  • Photo upload
  • Custom tab icons, application names
  • Multiple user collaboration
  • Tab analytics
  • Custom contact forms
  • Video embedding
  • Ecommerce

Read more: 6 Kickass Tools to Create Custom Tabs for Facebook Business Pages 

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