Below are the final total return numbers in 2017 for various asset classes using our key ETF matrix .Use our Trend Analyzer
While the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) was the worst performing asset class in the final week of the year, it finished 2017 with a total return of 32.66%. That's the biggest gainer of the US index ETFs we track.
Outside of the US, India (PIN), Hong Kong (EWH), and China (ASHR) were up the most in 2017, while Russia (RSX) was up the least. Emerging markets (EEM) had an excellent year with a gain of 37.28%. Natural gas (UNG), on the other hand, had a brutal year with a decline of 37.58%.
Finally, fixed income ETFs all posted single-digit positive returns, with TLT gaining the most at +9.18%.