BlackRock Inc. (BLK – Free Report) had a total of $5.7 trillion assets under management as of Jun 30, 2017, across equity, fixed income, cash management, alternative investment, real estate and advisory strategies. It caters to institutional, intermediary and individual investors through a wide range of products and services. It offers a total of 619 funds.
BlackRock offers an array of risk management, strategic advisor, and enterprise investment system services. Its offerings range from individual and institutional separate accounts to mutual funds and other pooled investment options. In order to strike a balance between risk and opportunities, BlackRock aims to provide a wide range of investment solutions to its clients.
Below we share with you three top-ranked BlackRock funds. Each has a Zacks Mutual Fund Rank #1 (Strong Buy) and is expected to outperform its peers in the future. Investors can click here to see the complete list of BlackRock funds, their Zacks Rank, and past performance.
BlackRock LifePath Index 2035 Investor A (LIJAX – Free Report) seeks to provide retirement outcomes based on quantitatively measured risk. LIJAX invests its assets in a series of Master Investment Portfolio that allocates its assets in a combination of equity and bond index funds along with money market funds. BlackRock LifePath Index 2035 Investor A has three-year annualized returns of 7.9%.
As of November 2017, MMCVX held nine issues with 43.06% of its assets invested in iShares Russell 1000 Large-Cap Idx K.
BlackRock Credit Strategies Income Fund Investor A Shares (BMSAX – Free Report) invests heavily in fixed-income securities issued by companies that are located in the United States as well as foreign countries including emerging markets. BMSAX seeks to offer an appreciation of income and capital in the long run. BlackRock Credit Strategies Income Fund Investor A Shares has three-year annualized returns of 4.7%.