When you want to be smart about your finances, you need to learn more about diversifying your asset portfolio. In a nutshell, this means not putting your eggs all in just one basket. Saving your cash in the bank isn't the only place for you to put your hard-earned money in. There are other assets and investments you can opt for, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. One of these is investing in precious metals—gold, in particular.
For those who've made their success by investing in gold, the premise always begun with the desire to have a passive income source. This means that even as you're sitting, your investments are growing in value. You can secure your financial situation with a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty through appreciating assets, like gold.
If you're interested in investing in gold, here are a few things you must take into account before shelling out some cash:
- There Are Still Drawbacks With Investing In Gold
First on this list are the possible drawbacks of investing in gold. It's important to start with these, not to become pessimistic about gold investments, but to be aware early on that investing in gold isn't a magical form of security for all your financial woes. You may be convinced and attracted to investing in gold from brokers who convince you on its merits or other investors who've also earned their success with gold investments. But, you also have to be aware of the risks that come with gold investments.
For instance, some of the common potential drawbacks and risks of investing in gold include:
- There are storage costs you'll have to cover, particularly when you're investing in physical gold.
- You also have to pay for the insurance cost that comes with ensuring your physical gold investments stay safe.
- If you choose to keep your gold investments at home, you'll have to shoulder the expense of coming up with your storage vault or facility.
- If you invest in gold stocks, then, you'll earn a dividend on the stocks. But, if you choose to invest in physical gold, you can only earn from it once you sell those assets.
- The Need For Research Is Still Present
Even the most expert investors will have to equip themselves with thorough research on gold. This begins with reading articles from reputable sources, like www.learnaboutgold.com. Investing in gold isn't a decision that happens overnight. Remember, timing is also crucial. And, the more you learn about gold, the higher the chances you'll achieve success on gold investments.
When you've put your hard-earned money into those assets, the last thing you'll want is for your money to be wasted. So, you'll still have to do thorough research, as you would with any other investment type.
- There Are Differences Between Investing In Physical Gold And Gold Stocks
One of the common misconceptions about investing in gold is that physical gold and gold stocks are one and the same—this isn't necessarily the case. There are inherent differences between investing in physical gold and gold stocks, and knowledge on those differences is very important so you can make a better decision on which type you'll go for to achieve your goal of financial security.
With that said, these are some of those differences:
- Investing in physical gold or gold bullion means purchasing it in the form of gold bars, coins, or jewelry. On the other hand, investing in gold stocks is simply like purchasing stocks like no other.
- There are, generally, three ways to invest in gold stocks, while there are two ways to invest in physical gold.
With gold stocks, your three main options are through gold certificates, gold mining stocks, and gold ETFs. A gold certificate refers to that document that indicates that the gold you own isn't your physical possession. Gold mining stocks represent shares from companies in the business of mining gold. ETFs, or gold exchange-traded funds, refer to funds traded on the stock exchange.
With physical gold, there are two general ways to invest: through gold bars or gold coins. First, with gold bars, you can also have two types: cast gold bars and minted gold bars. The cast gold bars are secured in a mold, while the latter are melted into a long strip of metals before being melted into bars. As to gold coins, however, this means investing in coins that have face value. However, it's worth noting that, in most instances, the value of the physical gold itself is greater than its face value.
- There's A Gold Investment Opportunity For Every Budget
Perhaps, you may be thinking that investing in gold is reserved only for those who have significant capital for it. This notion isn't necessarily true. It's worth noting that there's a gold investment opportunity for every budget. So, even if you're a beginner investor, there's something out in the market for you, too.
Choosing the right investment option according to your budget is also very important in determining earnings to a great extent. If you're starting with a small budget, then, investing in gold funds, stocks, or a gold accumulation plan may be your best bet. If budget isn't an issue, then, investing in physical gold, like bullions and jewelry, is the best choice.
- The Notion That Gold Is The Most Precious Out Of All Metals Isn't Necessarily True
Gold is one of the most precious metals, yes. But, it's not always the most precious. Especially when you're investing in physical gold, you'll still have to assess characteristics, like its purity and gold quality. Usually, gold may consistently come fourth in line to rhodium, iridium and palladium. But, gold will always be ahead of silver and platinum.
In the past, gold was considered as a luxury asset, reserved only for the rich. Today, however, investing in gold is becoming a lot more accessible. Yes, it still entails cash, depending on its value. But, there are so many different forms of gold investments available today, and not just the physical gold itself.
While the opportunity of investing in gold and earning stable returns is attractive, that doesn't mean you can immediately just jump right into the bandwagon without putting thought into it. Like any other investment, this decision requires a long thought process to ensure your gold investments won't simply go to waste.