The new year means a fresh chance at reinventing yourself and getting what you truly want out of life. This can ring especially true for your career. Are you one of the half of workers today that are just tolerating their current job, or even actively hating it? These numbers are according to a Gallup poll, and it is pretty disheartening. Even if you feel comfortable in your position, this can sometimes lead to complacency which can be just as dangerous in the long-run. When you become too comfortable, it will only get harder to take the risks necessary to advance in your career.
I know quitting your job can be a very intimidating option, and it should not be something taken lightly. Nonetheless, it could lead to greater reward if you have a solid plan. I myself have witnessed many similar success stories in the world of recruiting… people leaving positions where they were making amazing salaries and had that corner office, for something that could be deemed a step back in order to take three steps forward. Anyone can achieve their goals if they really put their minds to it, but you must look deep and be completely honest with yourself. It may sound cliché, but this really is an ideal time to make a change. 2015 has a great ring to it, doesn't it?
Here are five steps you can take to get that job you covet today.
1. Ask the Right Questions
Take a close look at your current situation, and be honest with yourself. What would you rather be doing? Where do you secretly dream about working instead? What are you truly passionate about? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What professional accomplishment were you most proud of in the past year? Who has been your biggest supporter and who might be able to help champion your accomplishments during a job search?
Consider looking at someone else's career path for inspiration as well. Pick someone you admire or someone who is in a position you covet. What did they do to get where they are? What skills do they have that you do not currently have? In order to get to the right place, you have to ask for the right directions.