Clinton Made Student Loans Non-Dischargable

The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crises were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts and return to proprietary trading and (2) they gave the banks absolute dominion over students by removing their right to declare bankruptcy on what they owe the bankers. No other class of has such an exception. 

It was the Clinton Administration that aided the bankers  on October 7, 1998, when President Clinton signed the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (the 1998 HEA), which provided federal funding for education loans at a reduced rate of interest. However, Clinton sneaked in the 1998 HEA two specific changes regarding the collection of student loans that is a brewing part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis today for students cannot discharge student loans in bankruptcy and 65% cannot find a job in what were educated. This has funded worthless education at outrageous prices so bankers can lend money to students and turn them into economic slaves for life.


Too many students cannot find jobs that pay enough to fund student loans, so Hillary Clinton wants to double minimum wages rather than repeal what  the Clintons did to start this mess. Many young people cannot get married and start a family because they typically cannot afford to buy a home with huge student debt on their record. The marriage rate per 1000 has dropped from 8.2 in just 2000 to 6.8 in 2012. (Source: p70-125)

So what happens? Rentals are soaring as the next generation lost the ability to buy a home all because of the Clintons.

We are dangerously headed in the direction of a revolution because 
60% of the youth cannot get a job in what they paid huge bucks for and cannot buy a home with a debt burden that is crazy while 53% were unemployed in 2012. They are calling it the over-educated barista. We have a lost generation.

Society is just not sustainable moving in this direction. 

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